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hibana (Sans-serif)

“If our voice is loud enough to threaten the fireworks, there may still be a chance to make a difference, but in fact, our voice is so faint that only those who curious can hear it.”


hibana (火花), literally “spark”, is abrupt and grandiose premeditation. At the end of January 2012, I was staring over Victoria Harbour by the window beside Nathan Road. The crowd on the street was surging forward, evaporating the damp temperature in the drizzle. Fireworks continue to bloom, and people seem to be caught in an infectious ecstasy. I have the ability to move myself. I like the vintage things in the dim light, the change of the sky from purple to indigo at dusk, the rust color under the drainpipe of the old house, and the prepared unpredictable, wet and cool weather, and the unintentional electricity through my body. When the last firework rose, the crowd hold their breath to the rising star. I’m obsessed with the silence, which satisfies the eagerness of almost certain and unrealistic illusions. When it exploded, everyone was illuminated in a brilliant desire, and found their reflection in the spark.


hibana is a proof of presence. The design is based on my selfish motives, it is my externalization and my reflection. It’s an open source sans-serif typeface and is committed to supporting all languages in the world. It has only one weight (450) between regular and medium bold in the spring of 2020, and presented as a relatively high character width. Hibana is Naoki Matayoshi's novel, which won the 153rd Akutagawa Award.

hibana 是一份在场证明。它即出于这种私心设计,是我的外化,也是我的倒影。它是开源的无衬线体并致力于支持世界上的所有语言。它在二〇二〇年春只有一种介于常规体和中粗体间的字重(450),并属于一种相对偏高的字宽。火花源于又吉直树(Naoki Matayoshi)的同名中篇小说,它获得了第153回芥川龙之介赏。

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